Finance and Administration
Our business office provides fiscal and administrative support to many divisions that encompass the Animal Care unit throughout Rutgers University, with offices located in Piscataway and Newark. For rates, please visit Per Diem Rates.
Business office staff is available to assist researchers and staff with questions related to their orders, rates and other aspects related to their projects. For any billing inquiries, please contact our Animal Care finance office.
For an Investigator new to Rutgers University, FAQs found below may help answer many questions regarding our per diem costs and inquiries related to animal ordering.
Finance FAQs
A per diem is a per-day charge assessed to recover a portion of the money spent on care, procurement, and support of animals used in research. Per diem rates are established by the University and routinely reevaluated to determine proper cost recovery. Per diems will be charged for each day that a cage or animal is within Rutgers University Animal Care managed space. Routine cage/animal census counting will be based upon Rutgers University Animal Care’s policies and standard practices.
An Animal Care Day is a single day that the cage or individual animal has been under the care of Rutgers University Animal Care. Please refer to the per diem rate schedule for the most up-to-date rate and to determine the unit of measure for the species of interest.
Per diem charges are computed on a monthly basis and consist of adding the total number of animal care days and multiplying that by the respective rate. For instance, if there are 10 cages of animals over a 30-day period, in which the per diem rate is $1/cage, the total per diem charge will be calculated as: 10 cages * 30 days * $1 per cage = $300 total per diem charge.
To place an order with an approved vendor, please visit Animal Orders.
Contact Us

Matthew Keller

Gabriela Alulema

Shital Parikh

Jeremy Eckardt
Business Assistant

Matthew M. Tallman

Abha Gandhi
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